AutoCAD had begun life as InteractCAD, written by programmer Michael Riddle in a proprietary language. The first completed was AutoCAD from Autodesk, a software application for computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting.

It is considered one of the first computer viruses 123. In 1974/1975, Walker wrote the ANIMAL software, which self-replicated on UNIVAC 1100 machines. John Walker, the main developer and founder of Autodesk, was a computer programmer. Nowadays, the performance of home computers has improved overall, and they can also run on personal laptops. In the early days, it was treated as high-end software that ran on workstations, but it began to be used throughout design work when PCs became popular. At that time, most CAD software ran on graphic terminals connected to mainframe or minicomputers. Introduced in late 1982, AutoCAD was one of the first CAD programs to run on a personal computer, especially an IBM PC. AutoCAD software allows users to conceptualize ideas, produce designs and drawings to the required levels of technical accuracy, and even perform rapid design calculations and simulations across a wide range of industries. The software is used to produce 2D and 3D drawings. From this emulation, this paper proposes a speculative CAD system replacing those two main elements of the interface archetype with voice and gaze input and discusses the potential and challenges of this experimental CAD system in design aspect.ĪutoCAD is a software application developed by Autodesk that enables computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting. This emulation identifies the archetype of AutoCAD interface with command prompt bar and coordinates input system. This comparison allowed us to uncover the central ideas and concepts of AutoCAD that have been maintained since its initial release despite the numerous advanced features in nowadays’ AutoCAD. The emulation process provided materials and opportunities to compare and analyze recent AutoCAD systems with the outdated AutoCAD systems.

This paper (essay) reports an experiment to replace command prompt bar and coordinates input system with voice and gaze as an alternative and speculative CAD system based on observation and analysis of emulation of an outdated CAD system, AutoCAD R12 MS-DOS. Speculative CAD with Reflection from Emulation of AutoCAD R12 MS-DOS Experimental CAD by Replacing Command Prompt Bar and Coordinates Input System with Voice and Gaze